Saturday, September 19, 2015

October Meeting

Maine Romance Writers is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting romance and other fiction writers via networking and programming. Through monthly meetings and workshops, we strive to provide continuing assistance in the journey to publication, whether by a traditional path, a small press, or independent publishing.

Our next meeting is October 17th, 2015

Guest Speaker:
Penny Watson
"Anatomy of a Successful Novella: How to Write Short"

Creating an effective novella is one of the most challenging and satisfying adventures in fiction writing. It also strikes fear in many romance writers’ hearts. How is it possible to make a believable love story in 20-40,000 words? With character arcs, love scenes, and an engaging plot?

Think…amuse-bouche! The same important components that make this “single bit” of food shine apply to the writer working on a short piece. Penny Watson describes the process of distilling your voice and storytelling down to the bare necessities, while still making romance magic.

Bon appétit!


PENNY WATSON is a native Pittsburgher whose love of romance started at the age of twelve when she discovered Gone With The Wind in the middle school library. This resulted in numerous attempts at a first novel involving a young lady with windswept hair who lived in a tree house. 

A biologist by training, Penny has worked at various times as a dolphin trainer, science teacher, florist, and turfgrass researcher. After taking time off to raise her two spirited children, she decided to rekindle her passion for storytelling. Now she gets to incorporate her wide array of interests—including grading, cooking, and travel—into her works of fiction. Penny lives outside of Boston with one fly-fishing crazed husband, two lively Filipino kids, and a wiener dog.

Meeting Location:
 USM Lewiston Campus
51 Westminster Street; Room 103
Lewiston, ME

Click here for directions                 Click here for a campus map

New Meeting Times:
General Meeting: 11 AM - 12 PM
Brown Bag Social 12 PM - 1 PM
Speaker: 1 PM - 2 PM

New members are always welcome, no matter where you are on your writing journey. If you're interested in joining our group, click here for more info!

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