
May Retreat

May 17-18, 2024
Embassy Suites, Portland, Maine

We’re excited to have New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Probst as our feature speaker, along with USA Today bestselling author Jamie Schmidt, and Ellen Joy! Workshops run from Friday, 4pm - Saturday, 4pm.

Jennifer Probst:
Write Big, Write Smart, Write Naked; Tips to Grow Your Audience

Jamie Schmidt:
Pitfalls of Publishing; Making Friends with AI

Ellen Joy:
The Joys of Self-Publishing

Register here!
$90 members
$110 non-members

 Registration includes workshops, Friday dinner (and open bar for hotel guests), Saturday breakfast and lunch. And of course, a wicked good time!

Block rate for the hotel is $269

Past Retreats...

Our 2018 Emily Allen Member of the Year Award recipient...Deb Noone! Look at that shocked face! 


Another stunning quilt made by the generous Mary Platt. This year's winner...Jean Paglio